We can help you make a claim for compensation if you have been involved in an accident which is not your fault. If you are eligible for Legal Aid we can arrange to make an application on your behalf.
Road Traffic Collisions
We can act on your behalf in both personal injury and non-personal injury cases. If you have been injured it is important you attend a doctor or a hospital as soon as possible after the accident. You should also report the accident to the local police and then contact us for an appointment.We can also advise you on accidents involving uninsured or untraced drivers.
Accidents at Work and Industrial Accidents
If you have suffered an injury as a result of an unsafe system of work or the negligence of your employer or a fellow employee you may be entitled to compensation. It is important the accident is recorded in your employer’s accident book and that you attend hospital or your doctor as soon as possible following the accident.
Public Liability Claims
If you suffer an accident whilst out and about as a result of the negligence of a third party you may be entitled to compensation. Again it is important to report the accident as soon as it happens and also attend a doctor or hospital if you have been injured.
We can also help you with medical negligence and tripping cases and claims to the Northern Ireland Office following assaults or sexual abuse under the Criminal Injury Compensation scheme. Whilst your costs are payable by insurance companies following successful claims arising out of accidents at work, tripping accidents, road traffic collisions and public liability claims there is no provision for costs under the Criminal Injury Compensation Scheme. We can however discuss your options and give you details of what the possible costs would be.
We will give you a free 30 minute appointment to discuss the merits of any claim you may have.
We can also act for Defendants in defending personal injury claims